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Preparatory Visit - november 2012

    The Preparatory Visit took place in Toulouges, France in 16-18 november 2012. The participants were: our hosts Mr. Guillaume Lebatard and the English teacher Mrs. Elisabeth Miquel, Mrs. Violeta Iacentiuc, Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentara Suceava, Romania, Ms. Selda Demircali, Tosunlar Orta Okulu, Turkey and Mr. Dario Barca, Istituto d’istruzione superiore “Erasmo da Rotterdam”, Nichelino, Italy. 

November 16th (Friday)
14 :00  – Brainstorming on renewable energies experiments to be conducted in the different countries by the pupils and ways to disseminate them.
16:30  - Coffee-break
16:45  – Brainstorming on experiments to be conducted during the teachers and pupils meetings in the hosting countries.
19:30  – Dinner
  - Cultural moment
November 17th (Saturday)
9:00 - Identification of tasks and responsibilities to be assumed by each partner in the partnership.
10:30 - Coffee break
10:45 - Development of an operating schedule and description of each corresponding activity.
13:00 -Lunch
14:00 - Establishment of methods for monitoring, evaluation and dissemination to be included in the partnership.
16:00 - Coffee-break
16:30 -Fill between all partners the application forms.
18:30 - Dinner
 - Cultural moment
November 18th (Sunday)
9:00 - Continue filling out the application forms.
10:30 - Coffee-break
11:00 -Finalization of the completion of applications
13:00 - Lunch
14:30 - Definition of methodology to establish contacts between the different partners.
16:00 - Coffee-break
 - Cultural moment

An article was published at this adress.

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